5 healthy choices to make every day for your child

(8 Mins Read)
A father and his little son; signifying the bond of parenting.

Every day, we are confronted with the need to choose. It is a responsibility that comes with living and living right. Evidently, we are a summation of the choices we have made in the past, as our choices have creative powers to determine various outcomes in life and living. Our extent of understanding the power to choose determines how our lives and everything dear to us are driven. In the present world, it is a big decision to choose to build a family and raise children. Some others are either too scared or too busy to engage in such a lung-bursting, lifelong run. Thank God someone decided to raise a family and had us; otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing this blog and you wouldn’t be reading it. So, for everyone who has decided to raise a family, thank you for choosing to make the world better by committing to the lifelong activity of parenting and the mentorship that this endeavour affords us. However, since we don’t just want to raise a family for the sake of it, there are healthy choices to make. We want to make sure our children are a significant upgrade to our lives, a joy to their world, and objects of our pride. Then, how do we go about making choices that will raise healthy and beautiful children?

Talk to your child like an adult.

When communicating with your child, it’s important to treat them like adults. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect them to have the same level of knowledge or experience as you; rather, you should communicate with them in a clear, respectful, and honest manner. Avoid talking down to your child or using baby talk, as this can be condescending and may hinder their development. Instead, use age-appropriate language and encourage them to ask questions, express their thoughts, and feelings. By treating your child like an adult, you can foster a healthy and respectful relationship that will benefit them for years to come.

When communicating with your child, it’s also important to consider their unique personality and learning style. Some children may respond better to visual aids or hands-on activities, while others may prefer verbal explanations or discussions. By understanding your child’s individual needs, you can tailor your communication style to better connect with them and help them learn and grow. In addition, it’s important to remember that communication is a two-way street. Encourage your child to express their own thoughts and feelings and be open to listening to their perspective. This can help build trust and mutual respect in your relationship. Here are some additional tips for effective communication with your child:

  • Use positive language and avoid criticism or negative comments.
  • Be patient and give your child time to process the information and respond.
  • Avoid distractions such as phones or TV when having important conversations.
  • Avoid distractions such as phones or TV when having important conversations.
  • Use praise and encouragement to reinforce positive behavior and accomplishments.

By following these tips and treating your child like an adult, you can help them develop strong communication skills and build a healthy and respectful relationship with them.

Teach your child by example.

Teaching your child by example is an effective way to instill good behavior and values. Children learn by observing their surroundings, and their parents are their first and most influential role models. When parents exhibit positive behaviors and attitudes, children are more likely to follow suit. For instance, if a parent consistently demonstrates kindness and respect towards others, the child will likely pick up on those traits and display them as well. It is important to be aware of your actions and strive to model the kind of behavior you want your child to emulate. Building on the importance of positive behavior modeling, here are a few additional thoughts to consider:

  • Teaching by example is a powerful way to convey information and skills to others. It involves demonstrating the desired behavior or action, allowing others to observe and learn from your actions. This approach can be particularly effective in situations where verbal instruction may not be available enough. By modeling the behavior or skill, you can show others how it’s done and give them the opportunity to practice and refine their own abilities. Whether you’re teaching a new employee, child, or friend, leading by example can be a valuable tool for success.
  • Children are not only watching what their parents do but also how they react to situations. If a parent If the child remains calm and collected during a stressful situation, the child is more likely to learn how to regulate their own emotions when faced with similar circumstances. It’s important to remember that parents aren’t perfect, and sometimes they make mistakes. When this happens, it’s important to acknowledge the mistake and apologize if necessary. This teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes and that taking responsibility for them is an important part of learning and growing.
  • While it’s important to model good behavior, it’s also important to give children the opportunity to make their own choices and learn from their own experiences. Encouraging independence and decision-making skills can help children develop their own sense of responsibility and values.

Overall, modeling positive behavior is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and effort. By being mindful of our actions and attitudes, we can help our children develop into kind, respectful, and responsible individuals.

Have fun but educational play with your children.

Playing with your children is not only a great way to bond with them, but it can also be an opportunity to teach them valuable life skills. Here are some ideas for fun and educational activities you can do with your kids:

  • Board games: Many board games can help children practice important skills such as counting, reading, and problem-solving.
  • Science experiments: There are many simple science experiments you can do at home with your children, such as making a baking soda volcano or creating a homemade lava lamp. If you’re looking for more science experiments to do with your children, there are plenty of options from which you can choose. Here are a few more ideas to get you started:
    • Grow your own crystals using Epsom salt and water. This is a fun experiment that allows children to observe the process of crystallization.
    • Make a balloon rocket by attaching a straw to a balloon and watching it fly across a string.
    • Build a DIY solar oven using a pizza box and aluminum foil. This experiment demonstrates the power of the sun’s energy to heat up food.
    • Create a density tower by layering liquids of different densities, such as oil, water, and corn syrup, in a clear container.

These experiments are not only fun and engaging, but they also provide opportunities for children to learn about science concepts such as chemical reactions, physics, and energy. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy spending time with your children while also helping them learn and grow.

Eat healthy with your child.

Eating healthy with your child is not only good for their physical health, but it also sets a good example for them to follow in the future. Here are some tips to help you and your child eat healthier together:

  • Cooking: Cooking with your children can teach them important skills such as measuring, following directions, and basic kitchen safety. Cook meals together with your child. This not only teaches them valuable cooking skills, but it also allows them to see firsthand what goes into their meals.
  • Outdoor activities: Going on hikes, bike rides, or nature walks can help children learn about the environment and get exercise at the same time.
  • Involve your child in the meal-planning process. Ask them what fruits, vegetables, and proteins they prefer. They would like to eat, so try to incorporate their choices into your meals.
  • Make healthy snacks readily available for your child to grab when they are hungry. Cut up the fruits and vegetables and store them in the fridge for easy access.
  • Try to limit the amount of processed food and sugary drinks in your household. Instead, opt for whole foods and water, which are the main sources of hydration.

Finally, make mealtimes a fun and positive experience. Encourage your child to try new foods, and praise them when they make healthy choices. By making healthy eating a positive experience, your child will be more likely to continue making healthy choices in the future.

Practice Healthy Spirituality with Your child, like Christianity.

Investigate the properties of magnets by making a simple electromagnet using a battery, wire, and a nail. You will discover that as you wrap the wire around the nail, you create an electric field. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the weight of the wire wrapping around the nail. When you eventually connect the wire to a battery, a magnetic current is created that is able to attract small metal objects like paper clips and staples. This demonstrates the power of continuous practice of spiritual beliefs carefully laid out, line upon line, and precept upon precept, just as the Bible has said.

When it comes to raising a child with a healthy spirituality, Christianity offers a wealth of resources and practices that can be helpful. Christian values have proven to produce the best in individuals and communities across the world. These values are time-tested and true across many generations. As it is a way of life based on self-sacrifice, love, and faith, it produces geometric results as the belief grows, if well understood and faithfully taught. Here are some suggestions for practicing healthy spirituality with your childlike Christianity:

  • Read Bible stories together and discuss the meanings behind them. This can help your child develop a deeper understanding of faith and its teachings.
  • Attend church services and encourage your child to participate in the community. This can help your child feel connected to a larger community of faith, and you should provide opportunities for them to learn from others.
  • Pray together regularly, whether it’s before meals or at bedtime, and encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings in their own prayers.
  • Model healthy spiritual practices for yourself by showing your child how you incorporate your faith into your daily life. This could include reading the Bible, attending church, or volunteering in your community.
  • Incorporate spiritual practices into your family’s daily routine, such as saying grace before meals or reading a devotional together before bedtime.

With these five daily routines, you and your child will make healthy progress toward building a bright future, both as individuals and as a family. By practicing healthy spirituality with your child, like Christianity, you can help them develop a strong foundation of faith that will carry them throughout their lives.

When it comes to family and home building, intentional actions are important. It could be fatal to sleepwalk. Just like farming, it is not enough to plant good seeds, you need to engage in the process of weeding to safeguard the growth of the (good) seeds planted. The power to choose provides us with the ability to mold and shape the present, and this can have generational effects on the future. The present provides parents with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dictate our outcomes and determine our future. Hence, we can program our outcomes based on what we do. This ability, in my opinion, is to be carefully managed and delicately administered with the discipline and dexterity of a wise master.

Most importantly, pray for your children.