

We carry out Christian prayer clinic, where prayers are offered in the name of Jesus Christ for God to do what only Him can do in the lives of the people living with these special abilities. We tell all to Jesus as soon as any client is admitted into our facility. God has been faithful, confirming His words with signs and wonders. To Him alone we give all the glory for the testimonies going out this mission for ever.


Our mission's learning centre helps ourclients to learn basic concepts needful in their integration into the society. We run early, divine, nutritional, functional academicand vocational interventions that would lead our clients to acquisition of daily living, social and intellectual skills needful for independent functioning.


Seeking respite care saves the rest of the family from falling apart, while the person with special needs suffers no ill effect. The door of our mission is opened to those who seek respite care for their wards to allow them go on family vacations, social outings and retreats. They could enjoy their outings without discomforting our special clients. Families are fulfilled and our clients are cared for in our cozy facility.


It has been established that people with special abilities make great progress in environments where there is structure and routine therefore to follow up strictly the abilities taught in the learning centre and ensure strict compliance with our structured learning procedures and routine, our mission operates a boarding facility for our clients. Our therapy sessions are followed up in the hostels by our trained hostel team.


We also assist our special one with Vocational rehabilitation. This is made up of a series of services that are designed to facilitate the entrance into or return to work by people with disabilities or by people who have recently acquired an injury or disability. We render Vocational interventions with activities designed to help them find, get and keep jobs.